Nefit (Proline NXT) EN

Nefit (Proline NXT)

Error code 2E
When this error code shows, it means that the water pressure in your central heating boiler is too low. Check the water pressure, and see if it’s below 1.5 bar. If that’s the case, it’s time to refill the boiler. When you’ve done this, and you’ve restarted the boiler, the error code should disappear. If the boiler keeps malfunctioning, please contact us.

Error code 2F, 2L, and 2P
These codes mean that the central heating boiler has measured a deviant temperature. A cause for this problem could be that the heating system can’t radiate enough heat. Check if there are at least two radiators completely turned on. If this isn’t the problem, venting the central heating boiler and radiators should fix the issue.

Error code 4C
This error code also means that the boiler has measured a deviant temperature. In this case, the temperature is too high. First of all, you need to check if the water pressure of your boiler is between 1.5 and 2.0 bar. If the water pressure is too low, you should refill the central heating boiler. When you’ve done this, restart the boiler. If this didn’t fix the issue, or the water pressure wasn’t the problem, you should check if there are at least two radiators completely turned on. You could also try to vent the boiler and radiators.

Error code 6A
When this error code pops up on the screen of your boiler, it means that the burner in your boiler doesn’t ignite. One of the reasons of this problem could be that the gas supply to your boiler isn’t sufficient. Check if the gas tap is opened. If it isn’t, open it up and restart the boiler. If the boiler is still malfunctioning after this, don’t try to fix the problem yourself. There could be a technical error in the boiler, and trying to fix it without sufficient knowledge could be dangerous, so please contact us instead.

Error code H07
This error code means that the water pressure in your central heating boiler is too low. Refill the boiler, until the pressure is between 1.5 and 2 bar. Restart the boiler. This should fix the problem.

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